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Serving Montgomery, Chester, Bucks & Delaware Counties


  • Wildlife

    • Why do I have raccoons in my yard?
      Raccoons are attracted to sources of food, especially if they can find convenient shelter nearby. If your home backs up to a wooded area, has a patio or outbuildings, or unsecured refuse containers, there’s a good chance you’ll encounter these furry critters.
    • Is it bad to have squirrels in my yard?
      Many people find squirrels adorable, and while they don’t usually pose a threat just by visiting your backyard, no one wants to be overrun. Squirrels commonly nest in attics and sheds in the colder months, and this can cause serious mess and damage to your home over time. If you’re concerned about your pets or other outdoor wildlife or if you suspect squirrels have come into your home, it’s time to give us a call.
    • Can I get rid of snakes myself?
      While snake problems near Philadelphia are relatively uncommon, Pennsylvania is home to at least 3 varieties of venomous snake (the timber rattlesnake, eastern massasauga, and the copperhead). If you encounter a snake on your property take caution by keeping children and pets well away. Consider calling an expert to remove it and inspect your home for hiding spots, nests, or other snakes in the area.
    • Can you get rid of bats?
      Bats can roost in smaller spaces than you might imagine, including small crevices in soffit or behind siding on the exterior of your home. While they normally don’t pose a threat to humans, some bats carry communicative diseases, and you should avoid approaching them. Never touch a bat that you’ve found lying on the ground. The team at PCT can inspect your property for entry points and humanely remove bats.
    • How do I get rid of animals in my attic?

      Getting rid of animals in your attic requires a careful inspection of all possible entry points, and a removal strategy depending on the type of animal. Squirrels, bats, birds, and even raccoons might find their way into your attic, especially during the colder months in the Northeast.

      The technicians at PCT will conduct a thorough inspection of your property and recommend an approach to remove wildlife in your attic in a safe, humane, and environmentally responsible way.

  • Squirrels

    • Why do I have squirrels in my building?
      Squirrels are attracted to abundant sources of food and water. In cases where these can be found close to your property, squirrels may look for a point of entry to find a warm, dry place to nest. Squirrels will look for existing holes, which they may enlarge by chewing. These will often be located under roof lines and on soffits. Squirrel entry points are commonly found close to where electric cables enter the building.
    • Is it bad to have squirrels in my yard?
      Many people find squirrels adorable, and while they don’t usually pose a threat just by visiting your backyard, no one wants to be overrun. Squirrels commonly nest in attics and sheds in the colder months, and this can cause serious mess and damage to your home over time. If you’re concerned about your pets or other outdoor wildlife or if you suspect squirrels have come into your home, it’s time to give us a call.
    • Can I get rid of squirrels myself?
      If you suspect squirrels are entering your property, you may be tempted to try and get rid of them by removing food sources or using traps. However, squirrels can cause serious damage, and the safest option is usually to call a professional wildlife removal service like PCT. We offer a same day service to ensure your family’s safety.
    • How do I know if there are squirrels in my property?
      There are several signs that squirrels may be nesting in your property. One of the first signs noticed by property owners is usually the sound. Squirrels can be heard scurrying, chewing and scratching around dawn and just before dusk. You may also notice visible signs of damage inside your property, such as teeth marks, damage to wiring, or signs of nesting in insulation. Outside, it may be possible to spot the hole used by squirrels to enter; this is often close to the roofline. A squirrel can enter through a hole the size of a golf ball. You may also notice squirrel droppings in and around your property. Finally, an intensely unpleasant decaying smell can be a sign that a squirrel has got stuck and died inside your property. This will need to be found and removed as soon as possible!
    • Why are squirrels a problem?

      Squirrels in your yard may be acceptable, but having them in your property can be more than just a nuisance. Their chewing can do physical damage to wood, piping, insulation, documents and other items stored in an attic. Worse still, squirrels sometimes chew on wiring, causing all sorts of problems – including a potential fire hazard.

      A squirrel infestation can also result in unpleasant smells and even the spread of diseases through squirrel droppings or in the event that a squirrel dies and begins to decay inside your property. Insulation that has been contaminated by squirrel droppings or urine will need to be replaced.

      Squirrels will also create caches of acorns and other foods. These caches sometimes attract mice or other wildlife, creating new problems for the property owner.

      If you have squirrels in your property, give us a call! The technicians at PCT will conduct a thorough inspection of your property and recommend an approach to remove wildlife in your attic in a safe, humane, and environmentally responsible way.

  • Rodents

    • How much is rodent control?
      The cost of removing mice or rats from your home will vary depending on the size and severity of the infestation. However, the cost of not getting rodent treatment is much higher. As we mentioned, rodents pose a serious fire risk if they chew threw electric wires—not to mention the other structural damage they can cause or doctor bills from rodent-borne illnesses. The cost of effective pest control will be significantly less than the cost of an untreated rodent infestation.
    • What is the most effective rodent control?
      If you go to your local hardware store, you’ll find dozens of DIY rodent control solutions. From baits to traps to chemical solutions, it’s hard to determine which will be the most effective. The most effective rodent control solution is going to be hiring a professional for immediate care if you have an infestation and having routine preventative maintenance pest control afterward. Rodents, especially rats, are clever critters and can even learn how to avoid traps. A skilled pest control technician will know the best way to strategically remove rodents from your home.
    • How do I keep my house rodent-free?

      The best way to keep rodents from your home is through preventative maintenance. This can be hiring a pest control company for recurring service, but you can also prevent rodents by implementing the following practices:

      • Securely lock up your food in containers.
      • Ensure your trash is properly stored and disposed of.
      • Check for holes or cracks that may be a potential entryway, and seal them.
      • If you are looking for a furry friend, consider a cat from a Philadelphia animal shelter.
    • How common are mice in Philadelphia?
      Mice, rats, and rodents are unfortunately a common pest problem in Philadelphia. In fact, in the United States, Philadelphia is the 6th most rat-infested city. Many of these creatures end up in the local homes and businesses, causing all forms of health and structural problems. PCT is here to serve the Philadelphia area and fight our rodent problem together.
    • Why do I have mice in my house all of a sudden?
      If it’s the winter or fall, you may see an increase in mice and rodent sightings in your home. Mice and rats are looking for warm shelters with food, making your home an attractive winter option for housing. They’ve likely found an entry point to your home or created one themselves as they hunker down for the winter. If it’s not winter or fall, check your home for any holes or cracks that they may have slipped through, and secure your food to help prevent them from settling down.
  • Fly

    • What do they eat?
      In the late summer and fall, the spotted lanternfly prefers feeding on Ailanthus altissima, commonly known as the “Tree of Heaven.” They can be found feeding on other plants and maple and stone fruit trees. The Tree of Heaven is also an invasive species that is found along the road right of ways and in strips of woods and weeds.
    • Are they harmful?
      These insects threaten some agricultural products such as grapevines and even maple trees.  SLF attaches to the branch of the plant they choose to feed upon and begin to drain the nutritional sap from the tree.  Some trees will have over 1 thousand SLF feeding at one time.  With this level of feeding, the plant or tree becomes weakened or just dies outright from lack of nourishment.
    • Can they harm your home?
      SLF can cause numerous problems for homeowners as well besides weakening or killing desirable plants.  Egg masses are sometimes laid on the sides of buildings and can be difficult to remove.  If a car is parked under a tree where SLF are feeding, fecal residue from the SLF drops down from the tree and gets on the car, boat, or other finishes, and is very difficult to remove.  SLF can also congregate in large numbers on homes but also on high-rise buildings.
    • How can PCT help?
      PCT was one of the first companies in the area to identify SLF and develop effective treatment techniques for these invasive pests.  If you see SLF congregating on or near your home call PCT at (484) 806-9142 for effective treatments before they lay egg masses or damage outdoor items.
  • Bed Bug

    • How did I get bed bugs in the first place?
      Bed bugs can originate from nearly anywhere, but they are common in areas that see a lot of contact with the public. More often than not, your infestation came from contact with infested furniture in hotels, motels, and other lodging establishments. Furniture and clothing from second-hand venues could also transfer these bugs into your home.
    • What is a bed bug?
      Bed bugs are part of the Cimicidae family. They are small insects, with adults growing no larger than an apple seed. They are brown, oval-shaped and flat, becoming bloated and red-tinted after feeding. They are nocturnal insects and feed when they are active. They feast on warm-blooded hosts, with human blood being their primary choice. They adapt easily to their surroundings and environment.
    • Where do Bed Bugs hide during the day?
      The bed is the most likely place you’ll find bed bugs. You should begin your search at the mattress itself, inspecting the corners of bed seams along with the bed frames, headboards, bedding, and your box spring. They will even hide in surrounding areas like furniture, behind peeling paint, wooden floorboards, alarm clocks, picture frames, and so on. In most cases, these pests have been documented hiding in crevices approximately 10-20 feet from where you sleep.
    • What happens when a bed bug bites you?
      Bed bugs have two hollow tubes in their mouth that they inject into the skin during the initial bite. The first tube injects an anticoagulant anesthetic fluid that bed bugs use to keep the blood flowing, and the other tube is used to suck the blood of their host. A bed bug typically consumes blood for approximately five minutes before it returns to its sanctuary. Additionally, bed bugs will emerge at dusk to get their sustenance.
    • What can I do for the itching from bed bug bites?
      Anti-itch cream can help ease the irritation caused by their bites.
    • Do I need to be worried if I suspect I was bitten by a bed bug?
      When the bed bug first bites down, it is not even noticeable, but minutes or hours later you might experience discomfort. The bite mark is either a flat welt or a raised red bump. Depending on individual sensitivity, it may be severely itchy or barely noticeable. Unless you have a bed bug allergy that causes rash or irritation, their bites are usually just an itchy nuisance.
    • I found a bed bug. Now what?
      If you discover any of these bugs, resist the urge to sleep on a couch or different bed. Bed bugs will just follow you to the new location and spread out their numbers into the next room. Contact a professional for bed bug control as soon as possible.
    • How do you tell if you have a bed bug infestation?

      Some red flags that might indicate bed bugs are the following:

      • Pungent musky odors released by bed bugs’ glands.
      • Small red blood stains on your sheets or pillows.
      • Rust-colored spots of excrement on your linens.
      • Multiple itchy red bite marks along your body that are in alignment.
      • Shed bed bug skins.
  • General

    • Termites and ants look similar. How can I make the distinction?

      The easiest way to tell the difference between ants and termites is to look at their anatomy:

      Ants have elbowed antennae, a pinched waist, and four wings, and front wings that are longer than the rear wings.
      Termites are straight-bodied, have no waist, and have four translucent wings of equal length.​

    • Is professional Pest Control worth it?
      DIY and store-bought solutions for pest control can be a Band-Aid solution, but they will rarely stop the problem at its source. Not to mention, most homeowners lack the experience needed to use these products properly and might put themselves and their loved ones at risk by using pest control products incorrectly. When you work with professionals, you have the benefit of satisfaction guarantees, industry training, and recurring service. Going the professional route is the smartest choice for your health and wallet.
    • Why should I invest in a professional maintenance program?
      Professional exterminators in Southeast Pennsylvania will not only be trained in how to safely and effectively utilize pest control products, but they will also have the added expertise necessary to identify the source of infestations, entry points, and other important factors to consider when trying to eliminate pests. Recurring treatment plans are often necessary for long-term solutions, and a professional will be able to establish a reliable service plan for consistent results. In the long run, you’ll save money and headache by working with the experts.
    • Are professional products safe around pets and children?
      Here at PCT, we prioritize using EPA-approved products and methods that are safe for you, children, and pets, and the environment.
    • Is it necessary for me and my family to leave the home during pest control sprays and applications?
      It is rare that you’ll need to leave your home for a treatment. Typically, only severe infestations require a home or business to be evacuated. Your technicians will communicate with you throughout your treatment process, keeping you up-to-date on what you can expect with your service.
    • How quickly do pest infestations dwindle?
      You’ll likely see results within a two-week period. However, some factors, such as the type and number of pests you’re dealing with, can speed up or slow down the process.
    • Are pest maintenance plans beneficial?
      Preventative and recurring treatments are an important part of keeping pests from returning.
    • Why are pests coming into my home?
      Even the cleanest homes fall victim to pests. Often, insects and wildlife are simply searching for shelter, food, and water—things that they can easily find in your home.