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Lightning Bugs: Nature’s Living Lanterns


One of the most beautiful summer sights in the Philadelphia area are the Firefly displays (also known as Lightning Bugs) that begin in July. Hundreds of fireflies can be seen at dusk flashing their lights and
creating quite a summer light show! Here are some facts about this wonderful and
attractive insect.

Fireflies are not harmful and are a natural part of our environment and utilize other
insects as their food source.

The Pennsylvania firefly (Photuris pennsylvanica) was designated the official state
insect of Pennsylvania in 1974, although it’s just one of a few dozen species of
fireflies found in the state.

How do they glow?

Fireflies produce their glow through the chemical reaction of luciferin, luciferase,
adenosine triphosphate and oxygen in a process known as bioluminescence that
emits barely any of the energy as heat. The insects rely on their flash to attract
mates, defend their territory and to alert potential predators that they have a foul

Firefly glow is an incredibly efficient form of light. Nearly 100 percent of the energy is
expelled as light.

Fireflies spend the largest portion of their lives – one to three years, depending upon
the species – in the larvae stage, which is commonly known as the glowworm. Eggs
of the firefly also glow.

Pest Control Technicians, Inc. has always used very targeted and specific treatments
for pest insects that control the pest insects, but not the friendly insects such as
fireflies, native lady bugs, butterflies and praying mantis. PCT has been recognized
by the US Environmental Protection Agency as a “Steward of the Environment” for
our judicious use of pesticides.

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