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How Far do European Hornets Travel from the Nest

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The European Hornet in Pennsylvania

European hornets are the largest of the social wasps in Pennsylvania and measure over an inch long. They look like large yellow jackets and you can hear a low hum when they fly by. They are reddish-black to brown in color with yellow stripes on their abdomen with a pale face. Their large size can make people fear them, but they will only bother you if they feel threatened. Unlike any other social wasps, European hornets will be more active and forage at night. They will fly around outdoor light fixtures and repeatedly bang against lit glass windows. European hornet colonies can contain 300-500 workers but can number up to 1,000 wasps.

European Hornet Sting

European hornets have smooth stingers that allow them to sting over and over again. These stings are painful as they carry venom and will be itchy and swell for about 24 hours. These stings carry the same risk as other insect stings as far as allergic reactions go. This type of wasp will cause damage when they eat the sap of trees and shrubs and use the bark to build nests. This can cause the trees to die and is the biggest reason that European hornets are considered pests.

How to Find European Hornet Nests

European wasps will nest inside wall cavities, attics, chimneys, and trees and will also nest in the ground at times. If you want to find a European Hornet Nest, look for a brown-colored mass that protrudes from a structure, almost resembling a football. European hornets do well flying in the rain but will usually find protection from the elements. For this reason, nests are usually not exposed completely. They are most active in early spring and summer. The earlier the weather warms up, the earlier the queen can establish a nest. This also leads to a more severe problem later in the summer. How aggressive they can become will all depend on the proximity of humans to their nest and any threat to it. They are not typically aggressive but can be if they feel threatened.

European Hornet Nest Prevention

You want to avoid hornet stings at all costs. To make your home less attractive, you can change outdoor bulbs to yellow ones and pick up any fallen fruit that will attract them. If you find openings into your home, they need to be sealed with caulking.

Stinging Pest Control

Removing an active nest puts you at greater risk of getting stung multiple times. As removing a nest is the only way to effectively eliminate a European hornet colony because they are active day and night; calling the professionals at PCT for pest control in Philadelphia is the best decision you can make.

The post How Far do European Hornets Travel from the Nest appeared first on PCT Bug Free.
