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Can You Get Hantavirus from Old Mice Droppings?

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Pests are a problem and not just because they are unsettling but because they can spread bacteria and disease. Pests like mice carry and transfer bacteria that can easily make your family sick. Mice are known to spread hantavirus, salmonella, and Leptospirosis.

What is Hantavirus?

Hantavirus is a severe respiratory disease that comes from rodents like mice and rats. It begins with flu-like symptoms and it can lead to life-threatening heart and lung issues. The virus is a disease that needs to be treated by a medical professional. If the virus is left untreated, there are cases that have been fatal.

How Common is Hantavirus in Mice?

There are many species of rodents in the United States including deer and white-footed mouse as well as the rice and cotton rat that carry bacteria that can be infected with hantavirus. It is about a quarter of deer mice that have the disease that can be transferred to you and your family. While some mice do carry hantavirus, it is extremely unlikely that you will contract this disease from them.

Can I Get Hantavirus From Old Mouse Droppings?

The short answer is yes. But, it is very unlikely. There are typically less than five cases of Hantavirus reported each year, making it highly unlikely that you will contract this disease. However, mice can spread other dangerous diseases if they are in your home.

Can I Get Sick from Infected Mouse Droppings?

If you are concerned about hantavirus, you need to know what you can do to prevent it. The bacteria that causes the virus is found in the urine and the feces of the mice. The mouse does not have to bite you to give you hantavirus. If you see the feces and your first instinct is to go clean it up, you may become infected. When the feces are agitated the spores get in the air and then you breathe them in. The spores then make you sick and that is the contact that you need to be infected with the virus.

Hantavirus Prevention

The first step to stopping contact with hantavirus is to keep mice out of your house. This can be done by using pest control treatments and preventative measures. Then you need to be sure you are cautious if you are needing to clean any urine and feces up. If you need to clean up the mess you need to air out the room as much as you can first. You should also wear a mask to cover your nose and mouth when doing the cleaning.

Mouse, Rat & Rodent Control

Wondering how to get rid of mice in your home? Pest Control Technicians, Inc offers pest control in King of PrussiaAbingtonBlue Bell, and surrounding areas to treat for mice, rats, rodents and other unwanted pests. Contact us today for all your pest control needs in Chester and Montgomery counties!

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